Tuesday, November 19, 2013

05_Speed Modeling #2

...So I decided to do a speed model of a tree house for my Intermediate digital painting class. I didn't set a time frame, but it took about 8-10 hours.

The tree house is supposed to be built by a thirteen year old boy and his friend with no help of adults. I had trouble constructing the rooftop so I made a quick maquette (which I forgot to upload from my camera so I'll update it when I get home), and I'm pretty sure kids had no sense of housing construction in the mid 1900's so it wont be as sturdy, but they had a lot of imagination.

It's hard coming up with tree house ideas, because it has to be realistic and not some made up mansion on top of a tree branch.....Anyways, the theme I went with is "Pirate". I wanted to use a lot of wood planks and objects related to "pirate". Also, I want to incorporate the kid's fixing the rooftop, because pirate ships always need repair! But I'm not sure how to incorporate it yet...Anyways, enjoy!

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